



Today, I read an article from a phrase book called “jingwei reclamation”

Jingwei reclamation is a fairy tale. Legend yan emperor had a daughter
named little girl, little girl love swimming very much, one day the girl I’m
very glad to come to the east China sea, so she swim and swim ah, perhaps too
devotion forgot the time. It grew dark down, and at once, the dark clouds are
gathering winds, this girl is mountain of pressure waves, gradually lasses

After the little girl drowned, the soul into a bird called “jingwei”. The
bird is very hated the sea, vowed to fill the sea. Day and night so she bit
twigs and small stones to fill the sea, no matter what difficulties can not give
up the idea of her reclamation. While the east China sea was always laughed at
him, but she has been to throw stones and branches into the sea.

After reading the story of “jingwei reclamation”, I was jingwei persevere
to the end of the spirit. Although jingwei is a bird, but constant efforts for
their own goals, adhere to the stone branches into the sea every day, may really
like the east China sea, jingwei is doing on one hundred cannot fill and level
up the sea, but I believe that jingwei tenacity can achieve a goal.

Jingwei persist spirit is worth me to learn. Want to go to school when I
practice calligraphy, first love, but after a few days don’t want to learn it,
so until now my handwriting is so so, after reading this article, I regret, if I
can insist on practicing, I think my words will be very beautiful. My
classmates? Don’t learn from me, no matter what things must stick to it.


Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of
primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. Whileshe was enjoying herself,
a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried
by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over
the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound “jinwei, jingwei”. That was why
people called it “Jingwei”.

The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it
decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and
the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into
the sea.

One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, “Poor little bird, stop doing
that meaningless thing! You’ll never fill me up.” Jingwei replied, “I’ll fill
you up no doubt! I will, even if it’ll take me thousands of years! I’ll fight on
until doomsday!”

The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to
the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.

From this fable comes the idiom “The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea”.
We use it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will not stop
until they reach their goal.


Jingwei (精卫) is the name of a character in Chinese mythology. Originally
the daughter of the emperor Yandi, she perished at a young age in the East Sea.
After her death she chose to assume the shape of a bird in order to exact
revenge upon the sea by bringing stones and small twigs from the mountains
nearby over the sea in an effort to fill it up. Jingwei even has a short
dialogue with the sea where the sea scoffs her, claiming that she wouldn’t be
able to fill it up even in a million years, whereupon she claimsthat she will
then proceed to take ten million years, even one hundred million years, whatever
it takes to fill up the sea so thatothers would not have to perish as she

From this myth comes the Chinese expression (“Jingwei filling the sea”)
meaning a symbol of dogged determination and perseverance in the face of
seemingly impossible odds.

Professor Manyuan Long from the University of Chicago named a new
Drosophilia gene after Jingwei because it was – like the princess –
‘reincarnated’ with a new function and a new appearance (structure). Other
related genes were named following the legend


Long long time ago, there lived a little princess named Niu Wa (女娃) who was
the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, the legendary ruler in ancient Chinese

The littel princess loved watching the sunrise, admiring the spectacle of
nature. She once asked her father where the sun rises. Her father said it was in
the Eastern Sea and promised to take her there to see sunrise on a boat, but he
had been too busy to do that.

One day, the little princess got a boat behind her father’s back, sailing
to the Eastern Sea. When she was away from the shore, unfortunately, a strong
wind rose and overthrew her boat. She was buried by the surging waves, being
drowned quickly.

After her death, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird with white beak
and red claws. Since it often stood on a branch, mourning herself sadly in the
sound “jing wei, jing wei”, people called it “Jing Wei”.

Jing Wei hated the sea very much for taking her life. In order to revenge
and keep other kids from being drown, the small bird decided to fill up the
roaring sea.

From then on, Jing Wei flew to and fro between the mountain and the Eastern
sea, carrying a twig or a pebble and dropping it into the sea. Day after day, it
never stopped.

Puzzled by its behaviors, the sea said to Jing Wei with irony, “Stop doing
that, poor little bird, it is totally meaningless! You’ll never fill me up.”

To it, Jing Wei replied firmly, “I’ll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if
it’ll take me thousands of years! I’ll fight on until doomsday!”

The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to
the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.


Today, I read the fairy tale “jingwei reclamation”.

Originally, yan’s daughter, called jingwei, she is very big, small effort
often followed her father – yan emperor out of the city, hunting, hands and feet
are very flexible.

One day, she saw the son of the dragon king – three prince, prince, said:
“I am the son of the dragon king, what are you from?” Jingwei said: “I am the
daughter of emperor yan, you have what fantastic.” Say that finish, she USES the
foot kicks, a hard kick a ball clay by three prince’s mouth, three prince gas
fire emit three zhangs, but there is no way he jingwei, had to depressed to the
back of the east China sea.

After a period of time, jingwei water to play. Three prince saw, exulting
in the heart, the heart thinks: “I the day of vengeance is finally here. Then he
drowned jingwei. After the death of jingwei turned into a bird. From then on,
every day she go to xishan fetch some stones, wood, into the east China sea. She
didn’t want to let people drown to the east China sea.

This is the famous “jingwei reclamation” myth.



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上一篇 2022年10月2日 09:21
下一篇 2022年10月2日 09:31


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